Anyone with ideas for appropriate fundraisers that we might consider, kindly let the parish know. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ St. Thomas Annual Craft Fair Bake Sale Flea Market The last 2 years of fundraising efforts are going toward a New Kitchen Stove Fund. There has been also been an anonymous St. Thomas family's donation of $ 2,500 towards the new commercial kitchen stove for our Father Lewis Center. ----------------------------------------------------- The Saint James Christmas Bazaar Committee is happy to announce that a profit of $1,900.00 has been realized. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Soup on a Saturday. The freezing cold weather of January is the perfect backdrop for our Annual St. James Soup on a Saturday Fundraiser. Soup-day is on Sat. Jan. 25th. Order a quart (or more) of: Chili, by Art & Maria Henn (limited quantity - sold out!) Italian Wedding Soup, by Bill & Valerie Ricciardi Pasta e Fagioli, by Mike & Linda Spinapolice Manhattan Clam Chowder, by Bill & Joan Henn Butternut Squash, by Susan Wood Creamy Tomato with Spinach, by Lucille Pagano Cost: $ 10 per quart. You must order in advance by Jan. 19th. No orders accepted after Jan. 19th. Pick up is on Sat. Jan. 25th, 12 Noon till 2 p.m. at St. James Church. Fill out the Order Form found in the back of Church and place in collection basket.
Please consider making a donation to either St. Thomas the Apostle or St. James the Greater directly via our ONLINE GIVING on the Navigation Bar above.